
Why does my body have the ripples, dents, bulges?!

Congested tissue can cause poor circulation, you'll note that areas prone to dimpling, lumps and bulges are often cool to the touch. Lymphatic flow may also be restricted by lack of movement.  Additionally the anatomical structure of fatty tissue in the hip, thigh and buttock area, as well as genetics, hormones and lifestyle all contribute to the dimpled  "look" of Cellulite

Who & Where did Lypossage come from?

The treatment is a specific blend of massage modalities that derive from physical therapy, including deep Lymphatic Massage and Myofascial Massage. It was created by Charles W. Wiltsie III, B.S., LMT, and internationally recognized massage therapy educator and therapist. Mr. Wiltsie conducted a year long study of 100 female subjects that documented the effectiveness of the technique, which was published is Massage and Bodywork Magazine in 1999. Follow up research was done in Belgium with positive results published in Healthy Aging Magazine and then again in Dermascope Magazine. In the original study the average person lost almost 6.75 inched between the navel and the mid-thigh...with the loss per thigh of almost 1.5 inches over six week's time.

Where do we begin?

  • We want to do a consultation to make sure that Lypossage is a good fit for your body and goals.

  • Lypossage is split into 3 different zones and we will work together to determine which zone(s) to target.

  • A single zone Lypossage session is approximately 30 mins in duration. For premium results, it is highly recommended to do a series of 18 sessions. This will include Before/After pictures and measurements at the first session, and then every third session. These will be private, unless permission is given to share the amazing results of our work together.

  • Consultation can be scheduled online via my online scheduler 24/7. During the Consultation we will set up scheduled Lypossage sessions that I will input on the scheduler to ensure that you can receive consistent care!

Mid 20-something who is active & mindfully eats. Had lost significant weight prior to receiving Lypossage, & wanted to see if we could improve appearance of Quads and waistline. With each successful visit we saw visible definition appear & subtle changes to measurements!