Reasoning behind the Immunity Massage Package

There is so much happening with this Coronavirus, and a lot of conversation on how to protect yourself from getting this virus. Yet, what seems the norm, there is not a lot shared about how to stay healthy or how to maintain a healthy immune system.

Just from what I have come across there are growing number of health professionals that are linking stress with weakening the immune system. As well as stating more about how the gut health plays another major role. It seemed the perfect opportunity to create this package as it will not only help support your immune system, but also help heal your gut!

Massage therapy is, at the very least, an hour that is dedicated solely to your body and some would say your emotional body too. On the physical level, your lymphatic system is given some assistance to keep pumping and handle toxins in the body. This is not to say that massage removes toxins from the body! It does NOT. It will however, with slower paced rhythmical movements lull that “fight-or-flight” and allow your body to catch a break from the battery of stress. I am sure that you have heard how stress causes a cascade of issues with those that have autoimmune issues. On a basic level, let’s be honest…letting someone else take care of you for a change can be down right magical!

Many do not know that for the last couple years I have been working with my good friend, Sarah Underberg, who owns both Renegade Kombucha & Agri-Cultured Foods. I was introduced to Sarah after I had gone through a crazy year of having my 2nd oldest son diagnosed with not only being on the Spectrum, but a serious bowl issue called Encopresis. It essentially is a perpetual backlog of old fecal matter that does not move out, so the intestinal tract stretches to accommodate newer matter to potentially move. It then creates a lot of accidents to happen, because the nervous system is not getting signaled to tell the brain that “Hey! We ought to use the bathroom!”. The recommended Miralax and increased water intake only made things exponentially worse. Keep in mind that my son was also diagnosed with Food Integration issues, so to get him to try new or different food/beverage choices is a small act of God. Sarah was at a vendor event that I was at as well, and she has this drink called Kombucha and all this kraut, kimchi, and PICKLES!

My son tries the kombucha and the gods smiled upon me….he LOVED all the flavors! Of course I bought a gallon! Flash forward a few weeks, and we noticed that the amount of accidents decreased significantly. The bloating around his stomach went down. Not to be gross, but he finally had a solid normal bowel movement! Here is why I really got behind this company, they added 11 adaptogenic herbs that all support the central nervous system and organs and they are consciously crafting products that legitimately heal the body. There have been so many customers that come back to share with us that (several different & many ranging in severity) their gut issues have lessened or have had even skin issues resolve! We have had a number of pregnant and nursing mamas share how it has helped them. In the Keto world, it was just released that they(doctors) were adding kombucha and fermented food to their list of acceptable food, because it helps the gut so much. Bonus round…it tastes good!

The third component to the Immunity Massage Package is the Far Infrared Sauna. Again, due to my own health issues, I researched the Far Infrared Sauna after being diagnosed with MFTHR Gene Mutation and a couple autoimmune issues. Found that the one of the only things that helps my body detox is Far Infrared Sauna, in regards to the MFTHR. Many do not realize that this kind of sauna is a dry heat sauna, so it is beneficial for those with joint pain. Dry heat is what attracts so many to Arizona! Another fun fact is that with the Far Infrared Sauna you will also get help with your gut, because it kills off the bad bacteria. When you are plagued with the snot and sinus infections, a few sessions in the sauna will help dry up the mucus to allow you to breathe again!

More than anything I realize that when you are a parent, or work in a place with a lot of humans stress and cooties are unavoidable. Choosing you and choosing to help your body should be easy. This package is definitely a One-Stop-All-Inclusive choice!